Rimu, Kauri and Manutahi Fields (RKM), New Zealand
September 20, 2019
In New Zealand, Westside has owned and operated the RKM oil and gas fields since 2016, following the acquisition from Origin Energy Resources NZ (Rimu) Ltd. It is looking to further appraise and develop the Kauri D reservoir, which is a discovered resource of greater than one billion barrels of oil in place.
It has production capability for gas sales to the national grid; propane, butane and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) trucked into the local market; oil and condensate for export via the Omata tank farm to South East Asia and gas-generated electricity for sale to the national electricity grid from onsite power generation (2 x 640KW generators).
The production facility has a nameplate capacity of 8,000 boe/d and 10 mmscf/d and expandable to 20mmcfd.
The fields have produced more than 2.8 million bbls of crude and 34.1 PJ of gas to date.