

Westside is committed to having a positive impact in all areas where we operate. Our three pillars of sustainability are people, environmental impact, and community.


Natural gas and the climate challenge

Westside believes natural gas has a critical role to play in the global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Per unit of energy delivered, gas has lower emissions profile than the National Electricity Market (NEM) average. It is a reliable form of energy suitable for base-load electricity generation, industrial applications and households.


Gas has a particularly important role in supporting Australia’s transition to a low or net-zero-carbon power grid.


Gas-fired generators can be rapidly started, making them the ideal source of lower-carbon, “on call” power to complement renewable sources when renewable output falls or demand peaks. As more renewable energy is integrated into the grid, this balancing role becomes more critical.


Using more natural gas in Australia’s power generation and resource processing would significantly enhance the country’s ability to meet increasing energy needs while reducing emissions.


The export of gas as liquefied natural gas (LNG) also assists Australia’s Asian trading partners to reduce their emissions.


As well as helping reduce emissions from power generation, natural gas also offers other environmental benefits, such as:


  • Reduced emissions of fine particulates
  • Reduced emissions of sulphur dioxide (an important contributor to smog and acid rain) and nitrogen oxides
  • Significantly lower demand for water for power station cooling.


Westside supports the place of natural gas in Australia’s clean-energy future as articulated by Australia’s gas industry peak bodies in their joint Gas Vision 2050 statement released in 2020.


Sustainable operations



In operations to date Westside has successfully rehabilitated areas of impact to better than pre-existing conditions, exceeding the requirements of our operating licence.


Fuel flare and venting

Westside minimises the use of fuel flare and venting using an established system to bring wells online as quickly as possible.


Water management

Westside operations do not fall within the area of the Great Artesian Basin, so water production is minimal.  Any excess treated water is given back to landholders within our operating area to be used within their farming operations.


Solar power

Westside has installed several solar power projects and is planning to expand the use of solar technology, including in water treatment.


Waste management

Westside has an ongoing focus on efficient use of resources to minimise waste.


Reducing our footprint

Significant investment in improvements to well design and construction is ongoing in order to continue to reduce the footprint of Westside’s field operations.