Westside achieves new production milestone of 50 Terajoules (TJ) of gas per day
January 16, 2025
Queensland-based gas producer Westside has announced it has reached a new milestone, achieving production of 50 Terajoules (TJ) of gas per day from the Greater Meridian Gas Field, in December 2024.
Westside CEO Brendan Madden was pleased to announce this milestone saying it underscores Westside’s dedication to innovation and efficient resource development.
“Through the implementation of advanced drilling and production strategies, the company has been successful in delivering increased operational efficiency in a stacked reservoir while minimising environmental impacts.
Mr Madden said reaching 50 TJ of gas per day is a testament to the hard work and expertise of Westside’s teams and partners.
“This accomplishment highlights our capacity to deliver substantial gas volumes to both international and domestic markets and provides a platform for continued and sustained growth.
Westside had previously achieved production of 40 TJ at the end of 2023.
Westside continues to consider its future development opportunities to support gas dependant industry in an undersupplied east coast market.